Galahad - ( Following Ghosts )

Yes , Stuart Nicholson is a fabulous singer !!! To imagine , a such voice on a real progressive song , during a flight to the firth of fifth , would be some bit budging !
But , alas , I have well told " to imagine " . Yes , whole is well made in this album that emerges more from the POP licked that the progressive pure and hard , do not expect therefore mediocre takeoff to the IQ or Genesis because there in is no !!!
Now , I have not told , that the album was without interest , far from there , melodies are efficient and structured commercial in 4 steps . . . One knows huge possibilities of the band , but alas , here , they are exploited only to half and the result , although it is succeeded , left a certain bitterness , probably to many fans of the band .

A new version of - constructing Ghost (DE-constructing Ghosts) will be relased sooner and happily wil have benefits of the participation of MARTIN ORFORD .
Participation that i wish , will bring a better level about ambition and it's the lone thing whose suffers FOLLOWING GHOSTS, that despite a great simplicity , still rest a good album . in fact an album from GALAHAD , where we had really the feeling that it concerns in fact a solo album of STUART NICHOLSON , so its voice is too much forward in the mix , making sacrifice of the other musicians that was literally erased by the magnitude of this exceptional singer . . .

Cotation : Selon votre gout

Reviewer : Michael Reese
ReTurn to Archives

1st Publishing : Progjet Mag 2 . Mars 2000